How to terminate article data?
Is there any data (still) in GS1 Data Source that is no longer in your assortment and that you want to delete? The way articles should be terminated has changed since 20 November 2021. For temporary and final termination you use the same field 'End availability date/time'.
The (existing) field 'Seasonal product indicator' remains in use for seasonal articles: thus for temporarily ending articles. If you enter 'Not true' in this field or leave it empty, the publication will automatically be withdrawn when the end date entered has passed. This also applies to articles where the end date availability has already been entered in the past. If you fill in the field with the value 'True' then we will not withdraw the publications on the specified date. Data quality checks do then automatically expire.
What fields do you use for terminating articles?
- Terminate articles (temporary and permanent): End availability date/time (endAvailabilityDateTime).
- Seasonal item indication: Seasonal product indicator (isTradeItemSeasonal). This field is only used to temporarily end items.