What data is being checked/recorded?
And what exceptions are there?
A Data Management Service (DMS) only checks or records item data from consumer and trade units published to the Dutch target market. View the attribute list and explanation on the attributes for more information and a complete overview.
Which product groups are checked or recorded?
Product information of food, healtcare & beauty items, pet food, detergents, cosmetics and packaged potatoes, vegetables and fruit.
Which GPC's are in scope?
In the list below, view all GPC codes of items that are being checked.
No checks for certain products:
Logistic information on trade units are checked as part of the data quality programme. For practical reasons, pallets are excluded. In this is the case, do select ‘pallet’ as the packaging type.
Packaging products
You will not receive calls for checks of empty packaging products. Checks of trade units transported using packaging products, such as CBL barrels, are not required as long as you enter the data in GS1 Data Source correctly. To do this, select the value ‘True’ in the attribute ‘Packaging product’ and enter the correct ‘Packaging Code’.
Private label products
Label information checks are not required if the label information has been entered in a different system and the brand owner’s GLN (GS1 LOcation Number) and the brand owner name have been entered correctly. For more information, consult our website.
Wholesale products
The brand owner's GLN should be populated by the product brand owner’s GLN. In case the brand owner is participating in the data quality program and the wholesaler copies the data without changes, checks are not required.
You will not receive a call for checks in case the value in the attribute ‘Indication display unit’ is ‘True’.
Bulk products
You will not receive a call for checks in case:
- It is a trade unit and: ‘Indication Consumer Unit’ is set to ‘Not true’ and ‘Indication Base Unit’ to ‘True’.
- The product is not part of a hierarchy (does not have children).
Unpackaged potatoes, vegetables, fruits
You will not receive a call for checks for these products supplied without any packaging, such as a cauliflower.
Some items automatically approved
Wholesale Items
The GLN brand holder must be filled with the GLN of the owner of the product. If that product owner participates in the data quality program and the wholesaler takes over the data unchanged, the product data is automatically reliable.
Standard Items
If your item has a standard size and packaging type, this item will not be called for a logistical check.