GMN for Basic UDI-DI
It is possible that different products are marketed with the same product specifications. Products that are sold as different versions, in different colours, sizes or in different languages, but are technically the same. It is important to group these products under the same model or family.
Basic UDI-DI for identification of product family or product model
Global Model Number
Global Model Number (GMN) is a GS1 standard used to create the Basic UDI-DI.
Calculate GMN
Use the GMN generator.
Start with the company number, also known as GS1 Company Prefix. You receive the company number in MyGS1 when ordering item codes. The company number is not an article code. The company number can be 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 digits long, depending on the code package ordered. After the company number, you add an internal model reference. You choose this yourself.
Figure 7.11-1 in the GS1 General Specifications shows which characters can be used for the internal model reference. After the company number and the internal model reference that you have created, use the 'Calculate' button in the GMN generator to calculate two control characters.
The GMN consists of a maximum of 25 characters, including two mandatory control characters. Bijvoorbeeld: 872003953HF-236PX6.