"In 2010, two-thirds of the greenhouse was completely renovated. So, on our farm, cucumbers are grown as environmentally consciously as possible. This means that we aim to control diseases and pests largely organically, i.e. with natural enemies. The company also has the GlobalGap certificate, which means that all safety requirements are met and the environment is burdened as little as possible. In addition, we are also PlanetProof."

This product comes from The Netherlands
Joop Willen B.V. is a major cucumber grower. The cucumbers are growing on 56,000 m2 in Made, Noord-Brabant.

"I grow cucumbers of the Prologue and Galibier varieties. Together with seven permanent staff and another 15 students. While growing cucumbers, new plants are set three times a year. We grow the seeds ourselves, these are first sown in November. This is two thirds of the total cultivation, amounting to some 40,000 plants. The seeds for the rest of the cultivation do come from a nursery. These are sown in mid-January. The summer crop is planted in May and the autumn crop starts between late July and early August. Cultivation lasts five weeks on average, but there is only a three-week growing period between the first and second crops. Planting and harvesting are both manual work."